How scary would it be if it were possible to look in the mirror and instead of seeing your face, you see a reflection of your character.
I think most of us consider ourselves to be regular, good upstanding citizens of society and for the most part we all are.
It would be an eye opener if we could see beyond what we believe to be our characters “according to us”.
The closest we could get to this is to look in the mirror and learn to like the person staring back at us.
Look inside your own heart & soul and have a daily little “cleanout”.
Pat yourself on the back for the good you have done and then reflect on the past 24 hours and see how you may have been able to do things a little differently.
Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror, not their faces….. but their characters.
Right here, right now, I am going to do a little checklist of my character defects such as impatience, gossiping, criticising and that includes self criticism. While I am doing this list I will do a checklist too of my character traits that I am proud of such as being compassionate, kind, caring and attentive.
Each day is a new beginning. We can start from fresh every day and live a better life focusing on right here, right now.
x niki
copyright NJTurner 2014
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