Sometimes when things go wrong it’s because they would have turned out worse if they had gone right.
When things don’t go according to plan, it is easy to forget that things are unfolding as they should. Planned trips on the train may be cancelled at short notice leaving you angry or anxious about being late. Someone may forget to tell you something important and now your plans have all gone awry. That tiny leak in the roof may just decide that today is the day it is going to come trickling out everywhere. What we don’t realise is that these delays and unexpected mishaps are often signs that it is possible that we could possibly have experienced a worse scenario had we not been delayed or if something hadn’t gone wrong and unfolded in the way it had.
When things go wrong, you’ll find they usually go on getting worse for some time; but when things once start going right they often go on getting better and better.
CS Lewis
Right here, right now I will try not to get anxious when things do not work out according to how I would like them to. I will trust that I am, exactly where I am meant to be and all will be fine.
x niki
copyright NJTurner 2014
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