The things you think about you bring about, so thinking negatively and critically of others will create a negative experience for you.
This allows us to understand the power of our minds and how our thoughts create our reality.
Everything is energy, everything is energy that vibrates at different frequencies, which tells us that the differences we perceive between people, things and places are merely differences in frequency.
This assists us to see the transience of the physical blockages we encounter. Energy attracts like, positive thoughts attract positive results, negativity just attracts more negativity.
This empowers us to become aware and take responsibility for the people and situations we are attracting into our lives. Openness and receptivity in order to invite in a new, better experience than we have had before we need to have created the space for the new to arrive. This means that we must release the past and prepare for the new.
Gracious gratitude when we focus on what we do not have we create more lack, so we need to focus on the great things that are in our lives to create more great things. Nature abhors chaos so to bring about change we need to create the structures that will allow our desired goal to become a reality. Order and planning assist the process to achieve change. Expect the desired change and you will assist its arrival, which means we must have faith in the process of attracting our desired circumstances. Doubt and fear will block the flow.
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