Five thoughts about inspired goals…
1. Inspired goals lead us to grow.
Inspired goals stretch us beyond our perceived limits
and help us to grow in knowledge, skills, and tenacity.
They are inspired by ideas and visions of something
greater than ourselves.
2. Inspired goals are backed by a purpose.
Inspired goals are congruent with who we are and God’s
purpose for our lives–they support our deepest
principles while serving others through achievement.
3. Inspired goals become focused priorities.
Because they are backed by a divine purpose, inspired
goals bring enthusiasm to us and to those aligned
with our purpose. They become the primary focus of our
minds and hearts, and we naturally dedicate our time
and energy to them.
4. Inspired goals inspire greater visions.
When others align with our purposes and benefit from
our visions, they become inspired also to
achieve even greater goals, solve new problems, and
manifest inspired ideas through faith.
5. Inspired goals allow room beyond their own success.
Because inspired goals may inspire even greater
visions and goals, they inspire gratitude. As such,
they inspire new actions; part of their reward may come
through previously unseen possibilities hidden beyond
their first inspiration and achievement.
May you achieve all of your inspired goals for 2008,
and may you fulfill all of your most cherished dreams!
Wishing you blessings and success! 🙂
Steve Brunkhorst
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