Resentment, Criticism, Guilt and Fear cause more problems than anything else
These four things cause the major problems in our bodies and in
our lives. The feelings come from blaming others and not taking
responsibility for our own experiences. You see, if we are not respon-
sible for everything in our lives, then there is no one to blame.
Whatever is happening “out there” is only a mirror of our own inner
thinking. I am not condoning other people’s poor behavior, but it is
OUR beliefs that attract people who will treat us that way.
If you find yourself saying, “Everyone always does such and such
to me, criticizes me, is never there for me, uses me like a doormat,
abuses me,” then this is YOUR PATTERN. There is some thought in
you that attracts people who exhibit this behavior. When you no
longer think that way, they will go elsewhere and do that to someone
else. You will no longer attract them.
Following are some results of patterns that manifest on the physical
level: Resentment that is long held can eat away at the body and
become the dis-ease we all cancer. Criticism as a permanent habit
can often lead to arthritis in the body. Guilt always looks for punish-
ment, and punishment creates pain. (when a client comes to me
with a lot of pain, I know they are holding a lot of guilt.) Fear, and
the tension it produces, can create things like baldness, ulcers, and
even sore feet.
I have found that forgiving and releasing resentment will dissolve
even cancer. While this may sound simplistic, I have seen and
experienced it working.
We Can Change Our Attitude Toward the Past
The past is over and done. We cannot change that now. Yet we can
change our thoughts about the past. How foolish for us to PUNISH
OURSELVES in the present moment because someone hurt us in the
long ago past.
I often say to people who have deep resentment patterns. “Please
begin to dissolve the resentment now, when it is relatively easy.
Don’t wait until you are under the threat of a surgeon’s knife or on your
death bed, when you may have to deal with panic, too.”
When you are in a state of panic, it is very difficult to focus our
minds on the healing work. We have to take time out to dissolve the
fears first.
If we choose to believe we are helpless victims and that it’s all
hopeless, then the Universe will support us in that belief, and we will
just go down the drain. It is vital that we release these foolish, out-
moded, negative ideas and beliefs that do not support us and nourish
us. Even our concept of God needs to be one that is for us, not
against us.
taken from Louise L Hay – you can heal your life
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