Ways to BE !
1. Be courteous towards, and interested in, every person you meet. We
become more spiritual by treating every person as a somebody.
2. Reverse unworthy thoughts when they come. By refusing to look down
on any person, or even to be critical, we raise our own self-esteem.
3. Release the need to be “right.” There are always times when we are
sure of our position. But truth needs no defenders, since in the long
run it is self-evident and self-proving.
4. Let others save face as often as possible. Even when you know others
are victims of sick pride, do not show them up by proving them wrong on
specific matters. If an error must be corrected, do it gently and
discreetly so others are not humiliated.
5. Always recognize a personal need for help: “Of myself, I can do
nothing, it’s God who does the work.”
6. Give credit freely, even at your own expense. We can never be
permanently harmed by this practice, because our own will always come
back to us.
7. Drop practices that are related to showing off or to obtaining
recognition for its own sake.
8. Make amends continuously, even when the other person is partly to
blame for the trouble. And be quick to apologize to children and
subordinates as we would to people of power and prominence.
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