Your heart is never so out of tune you cannot sing a new song.
Your light is never so tiny a spark it cannot ignite and burn strong.
Your laughter is never so hollow it cannot burst at the seams.
Your spirit is never so broken you cannot rebuild all your dreams.
Your vision is never so out of focus you cannot see your way clear.
Your courage is never so locked away you cannot break free from your fear.
Your love is never so tiny a stream it cannot flow with a force.
Your soul is never so drifted away it cannot get back on its course.
Your faith is never so lost in a storm it cannot sail high on the seas.
Your prayers are never so long forgotten you cannot get down on your knees.
Your hope is never so far from memory you cannot have total recall.
Your will is never so shaken and weak you cannot survive a hard fall.
Your life is never so worthless a thing you cannot bring dignity to it.
Your day is never so empty a void you cannot fill up and renew it.
Your ‘nevers’ are never so final you cannot reach out for the bliss,
the peace, protection and safety, the anchor of God’s sacred kiss.
author unknown
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