I can ask for affection without being sexually provocative.
My need for love and warmth is not tied to my sexual desires. I do not have to sleep with people in order for them to be my friends. I have a right to be held and nurtured without “paying” for it by making love.
In the past, I could never seem to get close to someone without being sexual. Hugs and kisses automatically meant sex and I went along with it, not knowing any other way to get what I needed. The emptiness I felt would temporarily be soothed by sexual encounters. But I wound up feeling shameful and unsatisfied.
Now I can drop the lure of sex and ask for what I really need: love, affection, warmth, closeness.
I deserve to be loved unconditionally.
Page 257
Affirmations for the Inner Child by Rokelle Lerner
ISBN 1-55874-054-6
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