“The Majesty of Our God”
Can anyone truly look at a sunset
and say that there is no God.
Or gaze into the heavens on a starry
night and not know that we have been blessed
by the Presence of an Almighty Creator.
And then there are those billowing cloud
formations we lay staring at as a child.
Could this be an act of chance?
Or listen to the melodious tune of a babbling
brook as it sings on its merry journey.
God’s handiwork is all around us and His
signature is on each of His masterpieces.
And the greatest masterpiece He ever
created was YOU and ME!
Because He created us in His Image.
To say that we have tarnished that
image is certainly an understatement.
But just like all His other Masterpieces
we are not complete until He signs His work.
God puts His signature on YOU and ME
the day that WE receive Jesus Christ as
OUR personal Savior and Lord.
~ The Prodigal Son ~
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