Spirituality Affirmations
The following list of suggested affirmations will help you reprogram yourself for spiritual openness. Read them each day, or tape record these positive messages and listen to them before falling asleep at night. Select from the list the affirmations that have meaning for you, and add some of your own. Gradually, as you repeat these affirmations to yourself, you will begin to experience and internalize your inner truth. Affirmations are a spiritual gift you can give to yourself.
Each moment of my day is filled with openness and vulnerablility to the world around me.
I am connected to my planet. I experience the sky, the wind, the rain and all the elements of my environment. I am aware of the cycle of life. Each day brings greater awareness of my place in this universe.
With an empty mind, I take in each moment as a new experience. Each moment in recovery brings transformation.
I have an inner, true voice that is in harmony with the universe. Each day I develop greater acuity and discernment in interpreting my voice’s clear messages to me.
My body is my primary vehicle for embracing the awe of my world. Each day I nurture and tend to it. Stretching my body brings energy, strength, and confidence to face my struggles.
I am connected to the past, present, and future. What has gone before me is part of me and I will be a part of what goes on after me. I am part of the circle of my community. As we are all connected to the past, present, and future, we are all connected to each other.
I am open to the spiritual guidance of others. My spiritual guides are those I love and trust, those I respect, those who have a mesage for me and those who offer symbols to help me on my journey.
My wounds are my teachers. I am open to their lessons.
I practice my spiriutality daily. My spiriutality is a daily extension of my internal life.
I know a new freedom and happiness.
I embrace my past.
I comprehend the word serenity ad know peace.
I can see how my experience can benefit others.
That feeling of uselessness and self-pity has disappeared.
As I lose inters in selfish things, I gain interest in my fellows.
Self-seeking hs slipped away.
My whole attitude and outlook upon life is changing.
Fear of people and econimic insecurity has left.
I intuitively know how to handle situatioonss that used to baffle me.
I realize that God is doing for me what I could not do for myself.
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