A Guiding Light for the Year Ahead
As you go through the days of the year ahead,
busy with all the responsibilities the world has placed upon you,
remember to keep the truly special things in mind.
Keep things in perspective: Work, play, learning, living and especially our faith in Our Lord.
Have happiness as a part of your priorities!
Be creative and aware and wonderfully alive in His Truth
and always remember where to find your smile.
New journeys await you in the coming year.
Decisions lie ahead, wondering what you will do, where you will go, how you will choose when the choices are yours.
But remember, God is with you always. Work for the ability to choose wisely, to prosper, to succeed.
Let the roads that you travel take you to beautiful places, and have the faith it takes to achieve and aspire.
In this year, I pray that our hopes for our tomorrows take us to the summit of our goals,
and our joys bring us peace, love and happiness.
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